Registration for Foundations Cohort- January 2025

🎉 Registration for our next Foundations Cohort is now open!

We hope you've had a great 2025 so far! We are excited to announce that registration for the January 2025 Foundations Cohort is open! 

Cohorts are designed to be a place where you can learn and discuss alongside your peers as you are led by one of our amazing coaches. This month's cohort is led by Chris Amdahl and focuses on our Foundations course. During the course of the cohort, you'll watch brief 8-12 minute videos on your own and join four weekly Zooms to process your learning together. The Zoom meetings will be held on Mondays at 9:30-10:30am, MST, from January 27th through February 17th. Through this cohort, you'll learn that managing anxiety is less about “trying harder” and more about slowing down and deepening awareness of:
  • How anxiety shows up in your mind and body
  • Understanding different types of anxiety and their impact
  • Noticing recurring patterns in yourself
  • Broadening your connection with God and others while narrowing the grip of anxiety
If you've ever wanted to dig deeper into Capable Life and our tools or an opportunity to learn and discuss these tools with others, this is a great place to start!

You must be an Access Pass member to register for a cohort. These cohorts would typically cost hundreds of dollars but are included in the Capable Life Access Pass. If you are an Access Pass holder, register here. Otherwise, you can join Capable Life here then come back to this page to register. 

Capable Life is truly best experienced with others. When we can learn from experienced coaches and process new information with our peers, growth and change can be exponential.
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