Group Coaching

A time to submit questions, cases and also a time to connect with peers. Often listening to others present a case helps us clarify the tools for ourselves. Hosted by one of our certified coaches.

See below for who is hosting, their speciality and how to RSVP. 

For all Zoom Gatherings


To do so, click, ‘RSVP’ (make sure you’re signed into zoom first). The buttons below lead you to the zoom registration. You can sign up for several zooms at once

**Please note that the email you use to register for a Zoom call must be associated with a zoom account. You can sign up for a zoom account for free and the email you use doesn't have to match your Capable Life log-in information.

Zoom Cohorts

Want to go through Capable Life material with others who want to be well? Several times throughout the year we offer Zoom Cohorts. Over the course of 4 to 5 weeks, you'll go through Capable Life courses, zoom with a coach, and participate in weekly private discussion groups with other members. All included with any Capable Life Access Pass.

To stay in the loop on when the next cohort starts, be sure and register for our newsletter.

Monthly live Q & A with our coaches

For people wanting to engage enneagram, wings and subtypes, virtues and ego fixations, second chair leadership, executive leadership and any of the Capable Life tools.

Jimmy’s zooms are the third Monday of the month, either 9:30am or 3pm Mountain Time

Click on the times above to register

For people wanting to focus on spiritual direction and spiritual practices that help manage anxiety, attentiveness to God’s presence and work, first space work and any of the Capable Life tools.

Renae’s zooms are the first Wednesday of the month at 10am or 5pm Mountain time

** Renae just switched from the FOURTH Wednesday to the FIRST Wednesday to create more space between our Q&A zooms

Click on the times above to register

An opportunity to hear directly from Steve on what he is working on, help him field test some tools, offer feedback and also submit your questions and cases.

Steve offers 5 or 6 zooms per year, AM and PM for all time zones.