• Monthly Access - $19

    Access to all of our online courses, masterclasses, group challenges, and live Q&A with our coaches.

    Get Access 
  • Yearly Access - $199

    Save $29 by getting yearly access. You'll also get lifetime access to whatever courses you complete.  

    Get Access 
  • Group Access

    Signing up a group? Discounts start at just 5 people and goes down to as low as $12 per month

    Get Access 

What's included

Access to all our courses

Our courses are made up of 8-12 minute videos and self assessments.  These are designed to help you learn to notice, name, and diffuse anxiety and reactivity.  You get lifetime access to any courses you complete!

  • Anxiety, Freedom, and the Gospel

  • Breaking Stuck Patterns in You

  • Communication Style and Anxiety

  • Differentiation

  • Dissolving Resistance

  • Dynamics of Criticism

  • Enneagram and Your Anxiety

  • Enneagram Part 2 - Deeper Dive

  • Family of Origin Dynamics

  • Foundations-Featured-Image-1536x864.png__PID:7807201b-2c29-4f5f-99b9-50249957adc5


  • Anxiety in Groups

  • Life Giving List

  • Lowering Anxiety in Them

  • Precious vs Core Beliefs

  • Put Yourself on your Conscious List of Relationships

  • Right Now Media - Managing Anxiety: Yours & Theirs (Faith Based Edition)

  • Right Now Media - Managing Anxiety: Yours & Theirs (Marketplace Edition)

  • Simple Reactivity Training

Access to All our Masterclasses

In our masterclasses, we spend around an hour digging into a particular topic.  Often we’ll invite experts we know to join the conversation.

  • Healing the Divided Self

    Focusing on "Parts of Self," also known as "Internal Family Systems." Featuring Chuck Degroat, Alison Cook and Lisa Cuss. 

  • 6 Stages of Ministry Burnout

    The 6 stages of burnout, signs and duration of each stage and preventative measures. Also hope for those in or after burnout.

  • Lowering Reactivity While Staying Connected

    Focusing on 'Differentiation of Self.'  Featuring Trisha Taylor and Rich Villodas and Steve Cuss.

  • Moving Past Childhood Vows

    A childhood vow is an unconscious agreement you made with yourself as a child to avoid pain or stay safe. It is an unspoken rigid rule of how you must be and how the world must be for you to be ok. Jim Herrington of The Leader's Journey joins me to help us uncover and overcome childhood vows.

  • Rising Above Criticism

    Inner Critic, Usual Suspects, Giants On Your Shoulders, Second Hand Criticism, cumulative criticism.  Identifying the sources and tools to reduce the impact.

    Featuring Steve Cuss

  • Managing Parenting Anxiety

    Lowering reactivity, shark music, connect to redirect and more in this comprehensive masterclass on emotion focused parenting.

    Featuring Steve and Lisa Cuss

  • Simple Communication Tools

    This masterclass is an expansion on the tools in the communication module. Lisa Cuss joined to bring her tools of listening filters and thought detangling. You'll find the slides we used as well as a downloadable 'Detangle Thoughts Chart.

  • Building Emotional Health in Your Staff Culture

    Helping your team flourish emotionally and spiritually isn’t difficult, it just takes intentionality and a proven plan.

    Featuring Steve Cuss and Jimmy Carnes

Access to all of our group challenges

In our challenges, we spend 4-6 weeks going through a course together.   One of our trained coaches sends weekly curated emails, hosts zoom sessions, and facilitates a discussion group.  This is a great way to learn along side others all over the world that are committed to being well.

Monthly live Q & A with our coaches

For people wanting to engage enneagram, wings and subtypes, virtues and ego fixations, second chair leadership, executive leadership and any of the Capable Life tools.

Jimmy’s zooms are the third Monday of the month, either 9:30am or 3pm Mountain Time

For people wanting to focus on spiritual direction and spiritual practices that help manage anxiety, attentiveness to God’s presence and work, first space work and any of the Capable Life tools.

Renae’s zooms are the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10am or 5pm Mountain time

An opportunity to hear directly from Steve on what he is working on, help him field test some tools, offer feedback and also submit your questions and cases.

Steve offers 5 or 6 zooms per year, AM and PM for all time zones.